About Us
All Peoples Christian Church is a progressive community of faith. We recognize that God loves and accepts every person and that the ministry of Jesus included all people, even those excluded by society. All Peoples Christian Church is an Open and Affirming community where we continue to strive to be a living mosaic of faith, hope, and love. We seek God’s guidance and covenant with one another to welcome all people at the Table and into the full life and ministry of the church without regard to sexual orientation, gender identity, social or economic status, physical or mental abilities, age, heritage, or country of origin.

Believe that following the path of the teacher Jesus can lead to healing and wholeness, a mystical connection to “God,” as well as an awareness and experience of not only the Sacred, but the Oneness and Unity of all life
Affirm that the teachings of Jesus provide but one of many ways to experience “God,” the Sacredness, Oneness and Unity of life, and that we can draw from diverse sources of wisdom, including Earth, in our spiritual journey.
Know that the way we behave towards one another and Earth is the fullest expression of what we believe, therefore we vow to walk as Jesus might have walked in this world with radical compassion, inclusion, and bravery to confront and positively change the injustices we experience as well as those we see others experiencing.
Work toward peace and justice among all people and all life on Earth.
Find grace in the search for understanding and believe there is more value in questioning with an open mind and open heart, than in absolutes or dogma;
Protect and restore the integrity of our Earth and all of Creation.
Commit to a path of life-long learning, compassion, and selfless love on this journey toward a personally authentic and meaningful faith.
Seek and create community that is inclusive of ALL people, including but not limited to:
- Conventional Christians and questioning skeptics,
- Believers and agnostics,
- Those of all races, cultures, and nationalities
- Those of all sexual orientations and all gender identities,
- Those of all classes and abilities,
- Those historically marginalized,
- All creatures and plant life;
Our History
Beliefs & Practices
The Lord’s Supper, or Communion, is celebrated in weekly worship. At All Peoples Christian Church we invite everyone to share in this holy meal, with the understanding that Christ is found in the breaking of the bread. No one is excluded.
We are united by our desire to follow the model of Jesus Christ and to worship God through his example. Persons are free to follow Christ’s teachings guided by the Bible, the Holy Spirit, study, and prayer, and are expected to extend that freedom to others.
Baptism is the outward sign of an inner conviction. It is the visible expression of the covenant between God, believer, and Church. In baptism the old self-centered life is set aside and a new life of trust in God begins. Although we practice baptism by immersion, we affirm and accept other baptism traditions.

Rev. Robert Allan Blair Jr. is Senior Minister at the Historic All Peoples Christian Church. He graduated with a BFA from Chapman University in 2000, and then attended Seminary at Claremont Theological Seminary where he received his Masters of Divinity. Blair also worked in Chaplaincy at St. Joseph Hospital in Santa Ana, California. Reverend Blair has a passion for social justice, and believes All People should be welcome at the table. Reverend Blair also created the program Q&A (Queer and Affirming), an LGBTQ+ Christian fellowship and ministry at First Christian Church Orange. He and his husband Michael have been married since 2008. They reside in the San Gabriel Valley.

Technical and Communications Director
Michael Turf is technical and communications director for All Peoples worship services online and in-person. Michael is an AP World and AP U.S. History teacher at CSArts San Gabriel Valley. He is currently getting his master’s in History, with an emphasis on LGBTQ+ History.
Michael’s faith continues to fuel his passion for serving oppressed and marginalized communities.
Michael serves as Co-Advisor for SAGA (Sexuality and Gender Alliance) along with Pastor Rob at the high school. Did we mention he is also Pastor Rob’s husband?